Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 26

03/26/12 - Max Patch [Waynesville, NC] - 253.3 miles

Hiked about 3 miles up to the road from our campsite.  Dad was happy to be done hiking.  The uphills were killing him.  He took us into town, we stayed at a golf resort, did laundry, resupplied at Walmart, ate Mexican Food, then saw THE HUNGER GAMES.  Ice cream and Lucky Charms after the movie.  Such an awesome day.  I am so thankful for my Dad.


Having been a fan of the books and greatly anticipating the film, there was a lot of knife throwing practice before and after seeing this movie.

Hunger Games.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the tale I heard from Dad upon his return of those uphills and the consequential blisters. I do not envy those elements of the trail, though I do still envy Mom & Dad for going to visit you guys while en route. Did you throw that knife? That's an impressive... whack? throw? Can't really call it a "shot."
    I enjoy reading your trail journal entries.
    Praying for you, and I love you, my brother!
