Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 1

03/01/12 - Springer Mountain Shelter - 0.2 miles

Started off this morning from the Amicalola Falls Visitor Center.  Hiked with the parents up the falls until Bruce had to leave.  Continued on up with Mom, Dad, and Glenda.  After one mile or so on the approach trail, we parted ways and were off.  I am so sore right now.  Those nine miles to Springer Mountain were brutal.  Though we are fresh noobs at this point.  Kept thinking we were approaching Springer... kept watching the mountain summits come and go.  When we did finally reach Springer, Mom, Dad, and Glenda were there to surprise us.  We signed the trail journal in the rock and were off [to the shelter].  One full day of hiking – only .2 miles on the AT.


As a side note, I typically wrote each entry just before bed every evening.  And at times I would make an addition to the entry the following morning if something crazy happened during the night.

As a second side note, today being the anniversary of our start date, I found it very difficult being in an office all day sandwiched by three hours of rush hour traffic.


  1. March 1st, 2012 was an incredible day for us. Dad and I were so blessed to see you and Anna start your AT journey on Day One. The surprise at Springer Mountain was so much fun for daddio, Glenda, and me...the only things missing were Bruce and an espresso bar. (okay, just kidding about the espresso)....

    March 1st, 2013... I feel your pain about being inside and then suffering through Friday Atlanta rush hour traffic. Days like that will make you appreciate even more the 178 days that you had on the AT and will definitely make your future walks outside even sweeter.

    Looking forward to reading more from your journal. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I stumbled across your video on youtube and then searched your handle names and came here. This is is a great read. I will join a friend of mine on a short leg of his AT hike thru, wish I could take off more time, but saving my time for a mountaineering adventure in Bolivia. O and congrats on the proposal at the end of the vid. Cute couple.
