Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 51

04/20/12 - Crawfish Valley - 548.5 miles

Took our time leaving town today, which was really nice.  Awesome breakfast, laundry, packed, visit to Petco to see fuzzy animals, then Subway and back to the Trail.  As we walked under the I-81 overpass, Bruce and Glenda drove by and waved us off before getting on the ramp.  Hiked our miles until finding a campsite and found Dr. TrailMix sitting, eating some peanut M&Ms.  CoffeePot and his dog, Scout, were there too.  It was good to sit and catch up with Dr. TrailMix.  Light dinner and tea, and now time to utilize the Kindle.


Finding the cats at Petco.  Best decision.


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