Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 38

04/07/12 - Campsite - 398.3 miles

Spent last night tenting outside the barn.  So cold.  Frost and ice in the morning.  Last night as we night-hiked in, I thought I saw eyes reflecting back at me.  We freeze in our tracks.  Anna asks if they are big or small.  I don't know.  Anna raises her trekking poles over her head to make herself appear bigger, and in the process, scares me to death.  Turns out to be the fire down at the shelter.  Good laugh afterwards.  Surprised Anna with a bottle of wine on top of Hump Mountain today.  Guy left it at the shelter because his pack was too heavy.  Uncle Spider was going to take it but ended up leaving it for me.  We saved some for him when we saw him later.  400 miles tomorrow!  And we're gonna swing by the nudist colony for snacks.


Bottle of wine for second breakfast.


  1. what kind of snacks did the have at the colony?

    1. Haha! Cheese and ice cream. What else do you need in life, really?
