Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 9

03/09/12 - Near Muskrat Creek - 81.4 miles

Today was TOUGH.  We got the shuttle out of town and set off towards the anticipated NC border.  I was slow going right away.  I think being in town softened me up.  I got a good night's sleep, but I was so tired on the trail.  Like sleepy tired.  I was struggling.  Anna led most of the day and was doing awesome.  I was crawling.  Exhausted.  Discouraged.  The border seemed so far away.  When we finally crossed into NC, the trail immediately went straight up a mountain.  And for a long time.  It was brutal and my knee was killing me, but it was beautiful as always.  We set up camp just before the shelter on a ridge overlooking the valley below.  Ate dinner as the sun set.  Then Cicada, John, and a few other guys came up from the shelter to watch the sun set.  Romantic moment FAIL.  But it was fine.  Pretty cool guys.  Tonight is a cold one.  Wish I was snuggled with Anna.


GA/NC border.  This handshake just happened.


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