Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lunch om nom


  1. You guys are too cute...enjoy this beautiful day ;)

  2. Yay for cheese noms! So great to see you two. Just seeing Anna do a "6 miles, woo!" arm cheer made me want to hike 6 miles, too. Or maybe 4. Really 2 would be nice today, but I just wish I'd thought of it earlier. Coulda gotten some Red Top time in right after school. Anyway, have a great day! <3

  3. SO cool! Hope you get Video of McAfee Knob...do they allow camping there?

  4. As our old pal, Anthony Bourdain said, “You have to be a romantic to invest yourself, your money, and your time in cheese.” I must say, I agree! :D

  5. It's so great seeing you guys actually on the trail eating cheese (Grommit) and raisins. It looks fantastic and your spirits sound very up. Keep posting. Lots of love, daddio

  6. So great to see you both!! Happy Purim! Wish I could fly over and drop some hamentaschen on your campsite tonight :) Love you both!! Happy hiking and safe travels. xo
