Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Video catch-up


  1. Yay videos!
    Did anyone sing any lines from "Climb Every Mountain"? That would've been fitting. So would have music from Lord of the Rings. :)
    I realized my nose was nearly touching the screen midway through watching "Little Friend."
    Did someone say "Abe Lincoln?"
    And speaking of him, I bet that new Lincoln film would've cast you as the man instead of Daniel Day Lewis if they'd seen your trailtastic beard! Yes, the beard would matter more than height, I say.
    All right, I think that's all. You take care of yourself, brother!
    Love you!

  2. "Epic,awesome," declares ManCub as the adorable roaring moose, a.k.a. KitFox, suggests they take a hike to Tolkien's old stomping grounds, Mt. Doom! Wow, Micah. What amazing glimpses you are giving us of the tip of the iceberg of what you & Anna are experiencing, exploring, enduring - and you are accomplishing this while laughing and smiling. You both will forever be two of my heroes. A dear friend of Anna's and mine called her a conqueror. I think that term describes you both, only I will add beloved, as well; so happy trails, beloved conquerors! Love you for always...

  3. And that is what you get when your parents shop at discount toy stores. Growing up, I always kinda knew that the animal sounds wheel was a little off-but a moose "growling"? KitFox, when you see a chicken, make sure to "meow" at it :-).

    Thanks for the posting, Micah. I've been missing you guys more and more lately. I think there is a direct correlation between then to the lessening time till I get to see you and the extent of "missing sister sickness". So amazingly proud of you guys-tell ya what, you go climb a few mountains today, and I'll sit at the office and stare at Excel spreadsheets, work for you? <3 <3 <3

  4. So wonderful to see you guys in action. ManCub, how come you look Chinese on Mt. Lincoln? Sorta Lincolnish Chinese at that... Love you lots and can hardly wait to see you. Mom will have a hair trimmer in her back pocket. Daddio & Mom

  5. You guys have been in the 100 Mile Wilderness for a few days now, and we are getting more & more excited for your arrival at Mt. Katahdin! We're cheering you on as you put one foot in front of the other and then another and another... all the way to the summit! What a celebration you two will have at the top of your final ascent, Micah! Dr. Bruce & I send you love, encouragement, and huzzahs from Downeast before we head for Baxter to welcome the conquerors home! <3<3
