Saturday, August 11, 2012


"And... don't lose heart," she said as she walked away.

My eyes immediately began to tear up as I told her, "I really appreciate you saying that."

We walked North and she walked South.

She was a retired kindergarten teacher from Georgia doing a section hike in Maine. We didn't converse long as we passed each other on the Trail. The weather. Trail names. Where we're from. Small talk.

She asked how the hike was going, and I told her, "Great." But if I was being honest with that question I would have told her how I was at an all time low.

I did not know how I was going to get through this day let alone this thru-hike.

KitFox took over my pathetic answer and opened up a bit.

"You know, it's been really difficult lately. I think we're starting to hit a point where we're ready for it to be over. It's been great and rewarding, but it's hard."

"Yeah," I agreed completely.

The former kindergarten teacher gave some last words of encouragement, and we trudged on. For a moment I recalled my own kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Keenan. I remember her being sweet, just as this lady was.

And that's when I heard her voice come again from behind us.

"And... Don't. Lose. Heart."

The words came out distinct and precise.

She smiled, turned back around, and continued walking.

I'm not exaggerating (though maybe I'm a little ashamed)... I cried for the next ten minutes.

For some reason, those words in that moment, were exactly what I needed to hear. Those four simple little words spoken at the last possible moment in a random human interaction. It might be that she will never know the impact that had on me or this hike.

But I am thankful for her and that moment and for Anna and for everyone else who continues to encourage us along the way. Not just on the AT but in life.

The day began as an ultimate low point for me on the Trail, and with a last-minute word, it became one of my favorite days.

With renewed vigor (after the crying, of course) we charged up the next mountain and made good time the rest of the day despite difficult terrain.

We came to a lake a few hours before sunset. A beautiful, picturesque, MAINE lake with clear cool water and surrounding evergreen trees.

Next thing I know, Anna is wading in and I'm sprinting in!

It was surreal.

To be so blissful and joyful splashing around in the refreshing water.

What a change.

"And... don't lose heart," she said.


  1. Beautifully written! Thank you for sharing! Can't wait to see you both when your Journey is complete, but for now I pray that you take in each and every last moment of this time as I am sure it will be with you forever!

  2. You always make me cry. Beautifully written, Micah...Thank you, once again, for telling the story in such a wonderful way. You are on the home stretch and your goal is within reach. You know what lies ahead... Many times in life, we don't know that our victory is just around the corner and we give up before we round the bend. Don't give up (I know you won't) ... and don't lose heart.... your victory is just around the corner. The road is difficult but the reward is great. God is on your side and He will continue to give you EVERYTHING that you need, (including a release of tears), to reach the summit of Katahdin and the end of the Appalachian Trail. Hike strong, my son.... I love you!

  3. Micah,
    It never fails to amaze me how we can encourage each other and change the outcome of someone's day with just our words. The word is powerful when spoken and we need to release them more often. Thank you for sharing this today, your mother and father's charting of your journey has been precious on facebook, and I feel as though I have benefited from your tenacity and commitment and today from your words of encouragement for me. Blessings on your trail no matter where it leads. You are loved. (both of you!)

  4. How you all have blessed me this morning. You don't know me, but I am shirt-tail related (Aunt Loretta's sister-in law). I've watched you kids vicariously on the trail from time to time. Your life will be forever changed from this. My Montra is life lately has been: "First it seems Impossible, Then it seems Difficult, Then it is DONE," The Lord directs your steps, one at a time. "If you're not dead, you're not done." Blessing to you and Kit Fox.

  5. "Don't Lose Heart!" When she spoke these words to you and Anna, she didn't realize how much she was speaking to your strength. Micah, you and Anna have the strongest, most compassionate, most sensitive-aware hearts of any two I know. It was what drew my daughter to you - your heart. It was what you wanted to explore more deeply - Anna's heart. You will not lose heart, beloved ones. When the trail, the AT or any of life's trails, gets overwhelming, we have the tendency to lose sight of what is strong within us. And what the two of you have in overflowing abundance is HEART - filled with love, compassion, and the awareness of your need for HaShem's strength. Chazak. "Look to Adonai; be strong and He will strengthen your heart. Oh look to Adonai." Psalm 27:14 Sending you so much love, such depth of support, virtual hugs, and the promise of as much coffee and as many wild Maine blueberry pancakes as your heart desires on the other side of Katahdin!

  6. Wow! The depth and intensity of this post, and of your emotions and intellectual prowess - they stunned me. And posted on the very day we met on the slopes of Saddleback. I wish we had spoken longer. As I said on the trail, I wish you two all the best. I'm bookmarking this blog and hope to read through it all. It seems you've 'taken heart' following this low point. I was at a low point myself yesterday - blame the foul weather as much as anything. I was wondering why I was doing this - why I was bothering. Today was much better for me - and meeting you and KF added icing on the cake.

  7. Micah... Those 4 simple words "And don't lose heart" have sparked a revelation in me today. Before I left for Shabbat services I checked into Facebook and saw your link to "Kinder." Wow! Your blog was an inspiration! Then... I slink in late to temple and I'm delighted to hear that Paul Wilbur is giving the sermon today. During his talk he made reference to being at Beth Hallel 25 years ago... *revelation* ... June 5th, 1987... Dad and I were planning to be at the Israel's Hope concert that evening but plans changed when YOU decided to make your grand entrance into the world!!! Fast forward 24 hours.... the phone is ringing off the hook ;) in my hospital room... past visiting hours, so I'm thinking that it's going to be your dad but instead it is Paul Wilbur and Israel's Hope and they begin to serenade you with the song from Micah 4:1-3 ... Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord.... Fast forward 16 days later.... You are now 17 days old and we are dedicating you to the Lord at the synagogue. I don't remember the exact prayer but I do remember the Rabbi placing his hand on your heart and praying for you and that your heart would be strengthened and dedicated to the Lord. Wow! Today... God is bringing back all of those memories. Just a few minutes ago I was talking with Glenda on the phone and God brought to my mind the verse from 1 Samuel 16:7 ...."But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him (Eliab, one of David's brothers). The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.' " I love what Glenda wrote..."strongest, most compassionate, most sensitive-aware heart" that you and Anna both have. Wow! Another revelation... God knew you before you were formed in my womb. He gave you a heart that would yearn for Him. He gave you a heart that would seek after Him. You won't lose heart because your heart is in tune with God's heart. Wow! I am so confident that you and Anna are going to make it to the end of the trail because you KNOW where your strength comes from... it comes from the LORD. Yes... there are many thru-hikers that will make this journey and celebrate their success...but... You and Anna will have made this journey with God and you will be quick to give Him all the glory for your success. Your heart cannot give up as long as it is connected to God's. Wow! I am so proud of you, Micah, and so proud of your soul mate, Anna. Love you both so very much!!

  8. "Therefore we don't lose heart...." Micah, I don't know if you have thought of Sha'ul's words that are so much like Kinder's. I wonder if Kinder knows them.

    Sha'ul brings these words at a very difficult time in his journey:

    "Therefore we don't lose heart. Though outwardly things are hard, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is seen is eternal."

    Micah, you are stretching our hearts into unseen areas as Abba stretches your heart. Thank you-- your heart is soaring and so is mine with your words!

  9. Love you, brother. :) Your story speaks to me today, too, in the midst of my own journey towards Nashville, yet I know this exhortation should be for all of our days, never to lose heart. It's a blessing to give and to receive this reminder. I think it's cool that you had refreshing waters awaiting you at the end of your day. My dreams lately have had different water settings... I can expound upon those some day. :)
