Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 116

06/24/12 - Fingerboard Shelter - 1,382.3 miles

Exhausted.  We're doing shorter days and I still can barely put one foot in front of the other.  Our last 4 miles... I was beat.  Ready to call it an even shorter day and stealth camp somewhere at the base of this damn mountain.  But we had to at least do 4 more miles to the shelter.  So far.  So, so far.  I started complaining as soon as we started yet another intense climb.  Today has only been ups and downs, major roller coaster style.  We saw a beautiful buck up the hill.  That's when I decided I wasn't going to let this day completely beat me.  What else you got, New York?  WOLFSNAKE!!!!!!! We're charging up this MOUNTAIN and eating weekenders as we do it.  We squeezed through the Lemon Squeezer and bypassed the "easy way" trail.  We climbed the mountainside like a stallion mounting the world.  We went Dothraki on this trail.  I was ready to mess up anyone that got in our way.



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