Thursday, August 28, 2014

Uncle Wes

As I type this, I’m flying high above the mountains and clouds with a deep blue sky and brilliant sun.  Back to Denver after an unexpected trip to the Pacific Northwest.

Being back in Oregon for my uncle’s funeral was extremely bittersweet.  I have so many happy memories from our annual family vacations growing up.  The last time I visited was in 2011, and it was so happy.  The most recent of a long list of wonderful trips out West.  It helps to have these happy memories during difficult times.

I did not imagine the next time I’d be in Oregon would be for a funeral.  When I heard the news of my uncle’s passing, I was in shock like the rest of us.  It was unexpected and difficult to accept.  It still is.  And will be.  I knew I wanted to be there with the rest of my family.  To comfort and to receive comfort.  It was great seeing all of them again.

My uncle was a huge part of my life even though he lived thousands of miles away.  His overflowing generosity and loving encouragement were and still are an inspiration to me on how I should live my life and treat others.

We said goodbye, and his legacy lives on, and I’m so thankful for the memories I have with him.  And for his encouraging words over the years.

Below is a comment he left on my blog shortly after my visit in 2011 and just before I began my career with the National Park Service.  I can’t read it without crying.


July 17, 2011

I had no idea, well some maybe... that you were so John Muir like. No wonder you felt cheated when I reduced your "Fort to Sea" trek by half a mile by dropping you and your family off on the trail at a spot that mostly just us locals know about without reading a brochure.

Ken Burns perhaps is right. The NPS could be "America's Best Idea." You'll fit right in with their purpose. God's greatest handiwork is in such areas and dedicated people such as you need to keep them secure.

Your Mom told me of your blog spot here. I'll check in from time to time and see what you have posted.

God's blessings on all your adventures.

Uncle Wes*


Obituary: Wesley Soukkala

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Blood and Sand

"Remember, pain is temporary, film is forever."
- Peter Jackson

I'm so thankful my mom and dad got to come out and visit and hike around for a few days with me.  It was an exhilarating and challenging trip up to Thunder Lake, and I'm still madly impressed by my parents for doing such a great job coming straight from Georgia elevation and hiking up to over 10,000 feet.

My brother came on his own about a week later, and what an adventure that was!  I love my little brother, and I always have the best time with him.  I'm also glad we didn't die.

Below are the two videos documenting each adventure.  See if you can notice a difference in the level of danger between the two...

I'm also really looking forward to having my BEST FRAND come visit next week, followed by my seester and brother-in-law in September.

Adventure is out there!