Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Reminder

"Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who performed miracles for our forefathers in those days, at this time."
- Hanukkah blessing

I have a lot to be thankful for. 

One thing I love about thru-hiking, is that you quickly realize how much you take for granted back in the "other" world (I don't want to say "real" world, because this hiking world is just as REAL as the other... It's just different).

I'm so thankful for all the time I've spent with my family and friends over the past 26 years. This Hanukkah season and Thanksgiving (Thanksgivukkah!!) were honestly great. I enjoyed the different experience of being in Nature and the solitude. But again, it really reminded me how wonderful family and friends are. 

I knew that, of course. I knew that spending Thanksgiving and Hanukkah alone would not be as enjoyable as it would have been with family, but it's not the same knowing something as it is to experience it. 

So I'm thankful for my family and friends and home and all the wonderful memories over the years. 

But I'm also incredibly thankful for the reminder. 

That's a kitten chewing a bicycle tire.


  1. This is cool. I didn't know you had a blog.

  2. Thank God for wonderful friends!

  3. What a fabulous experience you are having. Enjoy every step.
