Monday, May 28, 2012



  1. Mazel tov on your huge 1000, A & M! And on reaching Harper's Ferry beyond that!! And on to Mount Katahdin!!! Love you guys; exceedingly proud of you, too! <3

  2. You walked 500 miles, and then you walked 500 more, and somewhere there's a bear/bunny/deer/chipmunk that's wishing you'd fall down at their door.

    ... Dah da dat daaah (dah da dat daaah)!

  3. Amazing journey. May your feet stay happy and the ticks stay away.

  4. Mazel tov on an AMAZING accomplishment! Love you both so much and my heart is full of joy! "Just" a little over a thousand miles more to go but it has to be a bit easier than the first thousand. You both have the strength, endurance, trail wisdom, and continued prayer support to make the next leg of your journey even more awesome and memorable. God bless your every step and on to Katahdin!! One step at a time. . . meow.
