"No wealth of kings can compare."
I want to shout out a huge congratulations and
mazel tov to our friend, Seeks It, for his recent and incredible accomplishment.
This year he walked 4,368.4 miles on the AT.
Many people attempt a thru-hike. Only a few attempt a yo-yo (hiking to the end, turning around, and hiking back again). Seeks It set out to hike the AT twice in one year by retracing his steps every day (essentially, a day by day yo-yo).
We had the privilege to meet him up in the Maine woods a couple days in a row as he was either setting out or retracing his daily miles.
We were blown away by what he was doing. Everything we went through, the steep inclines, rocky uneven terrain, bad weather... he did twice in the same day.
You need to think about that for a moment, and let it sink in.
Anyways, he is a much more gifted writer than I am, and I encourage you all to
check out his blog and read back on his earlier entries.
Proud of you, Seeks It! And so glad KitFox and I had the pleasure to meet you.
The Maine Woods |